Shop Smart Magazine

By | February 19, 2013

Shop smart mag

Shop Smart Magazine is an online publication from Consumer Reports, which is one of the most respected names in product reviews. The Consumer Reports Shop Smart magazine is a nonprofit organization, just like their parent company, that seeks to provide balanced and informative conclusions about the products currently on the market in the general public interest. They maintain a fifty labs and a large auto test track where they can put various products to the test.

Not only do they test products, but this smart shopping magazine also writes pieces on customer service, research into current social fads, and publish recall information. While Shop Smart online offers a wealth of information on current goods and services, it doesn’t allow the everyday Joe to read all the information they publish. As a way of funding their in depth research into the products that you and your loved ones will consume, Shop smart magazine subscriptions are available for a nominal fee and can be activated online. You can also get a subscription of physical copies sent to your home or request the physical copies and use the online options as well.

This magazine is called “the quick and easy guide” from Consumer Reports, giving you all the pertinent information that you want without all the fluff that the parent company will often include in their reports. They’ll tell you if it’s worth the money; they’ll give you general facts about its benefits and disadvantages, but they cut out the specific statistics and numbers that everyday Joe Schmoe doesn’t want or need. This magazine will help you to save money and purchase items that will last longer and serve you better. Purchasing a subscription to Shop Smart magazine is the first step to a more cost effective lifestyle.