Why Custom Logo Beach Towels are a Great Promotional Item

By | September 21, 2017

Photo beach towels

Everybody loves beach towels. If there’s a beach to go with it, so much the better. If not, just the associations – sand, surf and the promise of a seafood dinner afterwards – are enough to make every beach towel your favorite. For businesses looking to remind guests of a seaside holiday or business, a custom logo beach towel will do the job nicely. Even when the holiday by the sea is a distant memory, the towel is real enough, and it carries a promise of a return to the sea.

Why do we love beach towels?
What’s your favorite beach towel? Everyone has one: is it the one in plain white with just an embossed seashell or starfish in the corner? Or the one with the colors and sights of the ocean deeps, with twining seaweed, dolphins, whales and turtles? Or the one you saw at the Edward Gorey House museum in Cape Cod, which he designed in a limited edition for the New York City Ballet? It was just a limited edition and the only ones remaining are in museums, so you have no chance of actually getting your hands on one of your own. But it is your favorite beach towel.
Everyone has a favorite beach towel, and that’s what makes custom logo beach towels such a great promotional item. They’re practical and sentimental at the same time. They’re large and fluffy, a good way to dry out after a swim or even an everyday shower. They come in bright colors and cheerful designs. It’s impossible to be unhappy when you’re drying off in a towel covered in starfish, cocktail glasses or pink flamingoes.

Beach towels are portable memories
And then there are the memories. The U.S has about 95,471 miles of shoreline, if you count both the mainland and territories. And people love every single foot of it. Whether they’re out there swimming, or walking or sunbathing or just gazing out at the sea, there’s something about the beach that speaks to en elemental longing in each one of us.
Beach towels are essentially portable memories of happy days or just hours spent by the seaside. And people have every intention of returning. A worldwide survey found that over half or 52% of those planning a holiday within the next year were planning to hit the beach. A custom logo beach towel will gently remind them of where to go.

Planning the next holiday
The best thing about custom beach towels is that they don’t just look back to happy memories. They look forward to creating new ones. Which is why they make such excellent promotional items. Whether they’re embroidered beach towels or full color beach towels, your customers will remember your business and return to it whenever they’re in the area, because of the strong associations with happy times.
Custom logo beach towels make great promotion items because they come with happy memories and associations already built in. And they give your customers a gentle push in the right direction when it comes to planning future holidays.