There are many people who might wonder why anyone would want to give anyone else an engraved stone as a gift. One of the reasons is because it is impervious to the elements. This is why there is every kind of custom engraved stones ranging from anniversary stones to dog memorial stones. Sand and abrasive blasting are some of the common ways of engraving and lettering.
This does not mean that all engravings are elegant. The first engraved stone yet discovered depicted a stick figure man with an oversized phallus. But stones can also serve as welcome signs or garden decorations. They can also serve as unique wedding gifts. Pet rocks were invented in the 1970s as a plan of an advertising executive who had heard to many people complain of the high maintenance of their pets.
These became less popular after people found out it was fairly easy to go out and trap a rock in the wild, but rocks with engravings can still make unique wedding gifts. Rock engraving is a developed skill and it is for this reason that unique wedding gifts can go a long way toward providing something which will last and something people will like. Get more info here.