Sometimes it can be easy to get so fed up with how cluttered and full your house or closets are that you just want to take several armfuls and deposit it all directly into the trash bin. However there are better solutions, that could end up benefiting more than just you. If you clean out those closets and drawers and get rid of everything that you and your family no longer wear or make use of, donating those items will be better both for the individuals who will end up with those things, and for the planet as a whole. And if it is a new concept, and you find yourself wondering “Where can I donate clothes?” it does not take much time or effort to find out.
Why donate when I could just dump it?
You may be the one asking “Where can I donate clothes?” now, but soon you could be the one organizing a community-wide effort. Think of the overall impact that you could have, on so many lives.
- Yourself and your family
Take your own household, first of all. There are piles and piles, and hangers and hangers just full of items that no one in your family ever makes use of anymore. All that does is add clutter, stress, and confusion when you are trying to find something you will use. Getting those items out of the house allows you to focus on a life of simplicity rather than excess. - Those in need
The clothes that you donate will often go directly to individuals or families who cannot afford to go shopping for clothing at the prices that the needed items are often listed at. You might also choose to donate clothing to a place that sells the items at low prices, which also allows those who are not able or interested in spending more money to find things that will fit their style. Often a portion of the money that is made in these types of stores is donated to those in need as well. - Everyone who inhabits this beautiful planet
There are approximately 12 million tons of clothing waste and other textile waste that get thrown away each and every year in the United States. That is an incredibly large amount of waste being deposited directly into already overflowing landfills. And the Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that while about 75% of all the solid waste we dispose of is actually recyclable, only about 30% of that ever actually does get recycled. By donating what you might have the urge to throw out, you are helping to keep the planet healthy.
Where can I donate clothes?
There are probably multiple options within your community to make donations for non profit organizations and contribute clothing donations. Many churches or community centers will probably either accept donations or have information on where you can do so. You might even want to check out your city’s website, look into the location of shelters or income-based housing centers, or find out if there are services that offer to pick up clothing donations from your home, making the whole process even more convenient for you. On average, an individual living in the United States will buy about 10 pounds of clothes that were previously used each and every year. By continuing the clothing to encourage that cycle of reusing things, you help everyone.
So when your friends, family, or neighbors ask “But where can I donate clothes, and does it really make a difference?” you can tell them exactly what kind of positive impact they can have on the world, while you lead the way to your local donation center.