If you want to shop smart online, then it is important to take advantage of resources like Consumer Reports. Did you know that they have their own smart shopping magazine? Unsurprisingly, it is called Shop Smart magazine and you get it on newsstands, or online in an abridged version. There are five big ways that this magazine can help you save money, find what you need, and stay informed.
- Money and Shopping
- Home and Yard
- Food and Drink
- Health and Safety
- Beauty and Fashion
In the first quarter of 2012, more than $50 billion was spent in the United States for online sales alone, according to the U.S. Commerce Department, Forrester Research, Internet Retailer, and ComScore. About 73% of people indicated that their reason to shop online was for the time saving benefits, but others also enjoyed the variety, ease of comparing prices, and the lack of crowds. Whatever your reasons for shopping online, it is easier to shop smart online when you know where to find the best shopping blogs, how to use Ebay, and where the great deals are.
If you want to shop smart for your home and yard, it is helpful to know how to haggle at a garage sale so that you can save some money, and how to go wireless in your home. If you love to improve your home, work in your garden, or get reviews of new toys for your children, this section has it all.
According to an extensive study produced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Department of Agriculture, Department of State, Centers for Disease Control, and Bureau of Transportation Statistics, people over the age of 16 spend approximately $281 monthly on food. This magazine has articles on how to read food labels at the supermarket, cut down on your grocery bill, and why you should get into using that slow cooker more often. If you spend several hundred dollars on food each month, then you will be glad for their money-saving tips.
The most recent report from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission revealed that pediatric poisoning fatalities from 1972 through 2010 have actually declined. In 1972, there were about 216 fatalities a year, and from 2008 to 2010 that number dropped to about 35 each year. The sad truth is that fatalities are still occurring. Product recalls are essential to be following, and consumer reports shop smart magazine can help you do that.
According to the same Bureau of Economic Analysis study, people spend on average $121 monthly on clothing. If you are looking for help on how to choose the right beauty products, make them last longer, and do research to get the best deals, the shop smart online magazine has a section dedicated to that.
On average, people spend $375 a month on items like games, personal care, jewelry, and pharmaceuticals. Whatever it is that you allocate to your shopping, know that you could be saving money when you shop smart online. Consider a shop smart magazine subscription if you like to keep magazines around, and get some helpful articles and tips to save more money.