Snowmobiling is one of life’s great joys during the winter months. Whether you have a local arctic cat dealer you love or you’re just considering buying a snowmobile for the first time, it’s certainly a thrill. If you’re looking for a great used snowmobile, here are a few things that you’ll want to look out for.
First and foremost, you’ll want to make sure that the snowmobile you’re looking at starts and runs as it should. When you’re at your arctic cat dealer, make sure that you get a chance to start up any used snowmobile you’re looking at to hear the engine run for a minute or two. You should be listening for any rattling noises, odd smells, or trouble starting the snowmobile up.
Another area you’ll want to look at is the front of the snowmobile. A few scuffs or scratches are normal, but any extensive damage or cracking along the front should be an immediate red flag for you.